Eat Well For Less New Zealand
Nutrition expert and media nutritionist, Angela Berrill, was the nutrition myth-buster and resident expert on TVNZs Eat Well For Less NZ series, season 1.
During the show, chef Michael van de Elzen and restauranteur Ganesh Raj showed eight families how they could be both saving a fortune and eating far more nutritious meals. We saw families get their kitchens totally transformed as their usual brands get ditched in favour of unbranded alternatives. Expect tears, tantrums and dramatic revelations as our chefs, with the help of nutrition expert Angela Berill, dispel food myths and give our families scrumptious and economical dishes that you can try at home too!
With everyone from fast food lovers, single parents, families saving for a dream holiday and others breaking the bank on the weekly shop ‘Eat Well For Less New Zealand’ is the series to make us all question what’s going in our mouths and supermarket trollies!
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Episode 1
Chef Michael van de Elzen and restaurateur Ganesh Raj help a family who live on TV dinners and rarely eat vegetables. The guys find they have a battle on their hands to persuade one particularly reluctant toddler to 'Eat Well For Less'.
Angela discusses the topics of Fussy Eating and Takeaways.
Episode 3
Mike and Ganesh will need all their skills of persuasion to get a family hooked on takeaways to balance the books and eat healthy.
Angela discusses the impact of Energy Drinks on health.
Episode 4
Mike and Ganesh help a newly single dad and his two teenage boys swap out their pricey favourite brands, as well as teaching them some much-needed cooking skills.
Angela discusses whether you need Protein powders and the benefits of Fruit and vegetables.
Episode 5
Mike and Ganesh give a blended family of seven who've become far too reliant on jars of white sauce an almighty cuisine make-over!
Angela discusses Iron and health and whether or not Sugar makes kids hyperactive
Episode 6
The budget is blown, the cupboards are overflowing and treats are just the norm for this family. Will Mike and Ganesh be able to help them eat well and save money?
Angela spoke with the team about Ready Meals and how they stack up nutritionally.
Episode 7
A nana has taken on three grandchildren, all with very different dietary demands. Mike and Ganesh are on the case to get this family to eat the same meal around a table.
Angela talks about Type 2 diabetes and Food colouring.
Episode 8
Season Finale: Mike and Ganesh help a family who spend a fortune on food, but eat out five times a week - and when they do hit the supermarket it's the kids making all the decisions!
Angela speaks with Mike & Ganesh about how to choose cooking oils and probiotics.